Thursday, February 23, 2012


It's 2012 people, what are we going to do? Pick a side please, for me, for yourselves, for your parents mostly. They want to miss you. I wonder which color would be best, i've always been a fan of green, but have been swaying towards the reds lately. I wonder if this is anger because there is no snow. And no one will shut up from it. We all have our fall colds still and yet spring is 30 days away. How does one invent a lullaby that ultimately becomes timeless. Teach it to all my friends, publish it in a book along with the other ones parents love so much, but make sure to mention the iphone on a count of no one going a day without touching one. I always liked James Dean for being timeless, squARE jaw, pea coat, boots, oh and a "Rebel without a cause" attitude, get it? We are so far into the future we are in whatever warning books we read in highschool. This is dire, and we have no idea. oh wait i don't care