Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I barely have a need for a blog, i barely have a need for a camera. I don't actually have a use for creativity which is why it is gone, evaporated. Left in the microwave spinning around heating up your day old coffee, useless. I would have a use for a social system, if there was a ladder or something to look at. But instead its the internet. A solid block of locals looking for other locals, who are looking for strangers out of their county that they will get along with well enough to be happy for a bit. I wonder if they stop wandering then they will stumble into a pretty puddle. I wonder if the weather really changes moods, or is it just the drugs you pump into your blood constantly. And you think that your discontent is normal, call me with unforseen bitterness about nothing i have heard before. I will not say the correct things, i have been blindsided. I cannot support a system that has no system.